Kom og vær med, når Tidsskriftet Antropologi i fællesskab med Antropologforeningen lancerer temanumrene #85 Virus (2022), #86 Aldring (2023) og #87 Aktuelt (2023) onsdag d. 25. oktober kl. 16.00–18.00 i Etnografisk Eksploratorium.
PROGRAM: 16.00-16.15: Ankomst med drinks og snacks 16.15-16.20: Velkomst ved moderredaktionen 16.20-16.40: Oplæg ved redaktionen på Virus med tid til spørgsmål 16.40-17.00: Oplæg ved redaktionen på Aldring med tid til spørgsmål 17.00-17.20: Oplæg ved redaktionen på Aktuelt med tid til spørgsmål 17.20: SKÅL, fejring og uformel snak over drinks
Antropologforeningen invites you to join us for an Ethnographic Happy Hour to celebrate the publication of Tahriib – Journeys into the Unknown: An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration by Anja Simonsen.
This book offers an innovative approach to migration by exploring Somali youths’ tahriib, their ‘journey into the unknown’. When young Somali men and women refer to the ‘unknown’, they recognize the uncertainty of their journeys. This uncertainty is partly due to the laws and policies that restrict the right to cross national boundaries and define their movements as illegal. Based on fieldwork conducted with Somali youth, mainly from Somaliland, the book details their perceptions of the journey and their practices on the way. The author shows how they position themselves in a constantly changing world before and during the so-called migration crisis that began in 2015. A vital part of tahriib is the constant search for information on possible routes ahead, a search that intensifies as the journey progresses. Specific policy responses, such as biometric registration, influence practices of gathering and sharing information. They have implications for the creation and shattering of hope and the experience of time en route. The book demonstrates that tahriib is ultimately about spending one’s time wisely and about creating and maintaining hope in what may seem hopeless situations.
Program 14:00 Welcome from Antropologforeningen 14:05 Presentation of book by Anja Simonsen 14:30 Discussion with Nauja Kleist 15:00 Q&A 15:15 Drinks & Celebration
We hope to see you, there will be drinks and snacks!
Antropologforeningen invites you to join us for an Ethnographic Happy Hour to celebrate the publication of “Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene: Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds ” edited by Nils Bubandt, Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen and Rachel Cypher.
The book attempts to answer methodological challenges posed by the Anthropocene by providing of empirical studies of the multispecies messiness of contemporary life that investigate some of the critical questions of our time. The book is a collection of studies of the socioecological chaos of the contemporary moment across the arts, human science, and natural science. At this happy hour editors Nils Bubandt and Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen will present the book, chapter authors Kirsten Hastrup and Pierre du Plessis will present their contributions, and Matti Weisdorf will discuss selected chapters and contributions of the book with all. Finally, the all persons attending are invited into the conversation.
PROGRAM 17:15 Welcome from Antropologforeningen 17:20 Short presentations by Nils Bubandt, Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Kirsten Hastrup, Pierre du Plessis 17:55 Discussion with Matti Weisdorf (Postdoc, University of Copenhagen) 18:15 Break 18:30 Q&A
We hope to see you, there will be drinks and snacks!
After the Happy Hour, from 19:30 – 21:00, Antropologforeningen is hosting its annual general assembly (Generalforsamling). All members and interested are welcome to join
Antropologiske perspektiver på overophedning, omsorg og økonomisk opsving.
Årsmøde 2023 er snart ved at være klar til at løbe af stablen. Fredag den 14/4 inviterer Antropologforeningen, Dansk Etnografisk Forening og Erhvervsantropologerne antropologer på tværs af arbejdsfelter, årgange og institutioner til Årsmøde 2023, hvor vi gennem oplæg, samtalesaloner og efterfølgende cocktailmiddag vil undersøge og diskutere en række emner, som på forskellig vis behandler årets tema, varme.
PROGRAM: 1) Velkomst og oplæg fra dagens hovedtalere 2) Samtalesaloner om varme – Energikrise – Varme hænder og omsorg – Teknologisk og økonomisk overophedning 3) Fællesopsamling 4) Cocktailmiddag
Den 3. marts inviterer Antropologforeningen til Etnografisk Happy Hour i forbindelse med Alessandro Morettis udgivelse af hans nye bog “The Rise and Rise of Illegal Ticket Touting”. Til arrangementet vil Christina Jerne moderere en samtale mellem Moretti og Xavier L’Hoiry.
15:30 Velkomst fra CAMP & Antropologforeningen 15:35 Præsentation af bogen af Alessandro Moretti 15:50 Diskussion med Xavier L’Hoiry 16:10: Pause 16:25: Q&A 16:45: Drinks og fejring