Afholdte arrangementer 2018

Visual Happy Hour: Jennifer Deger

Date: 3rd of May, 2018, from 17.15 to 19.15.

Location: Ethnographic Exploratory, Center for Sundhed og Samfund (4.1.12) Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København


The Anthropologists’ Association is very happy to invite you to a new take on our popular event format in collaboration with Antrofilm: The Visual Happy Hour!

Miyarrka Media is a arts collective based in the community of Gapuwiyak in Australia’s Norther Territory. They have made a number of award winning films and internationally exhibitions installations and have just completed their first book, Phone & Spear: a Yuta Anthropology. Jennifer Deger is an anthropologist, filmmaker and founding member of Miyarrka Media.

Jennifer will be screening two works by Miyarrka Media: Ringtone (2014) and Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit) (2011). This will be followed by a discussion together with student group Antrofilm.

As always, we will serve snacks, wine and beer. We look forward to seeing you!

Afholdte arrangementer 2018

Thematic Happy Hour: Beyond Cultural Racism

Thursday the 12th of April from 16-18
Ethnographic Exploratory, room 4.1.12, CSS
Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 4, 1. floor, room 12, 1353 København K

Thematic Happy hour

16.00-16.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen
16.05-16.35 Presentation by Anna Bredström, Senior Lecturer at Linköping University
16.35-17.05 Discussion by Cecelia Walsh-Russo, Guest lecturer at Department of Sociology, UCPH
17.05-17.20 Break
17.20-18.00 Open floor for discussion
We will serve snacks, wine and beer. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!


Senior Lecturer Anna Bredström

The paper analyses sexual educational material in Sweden that aspires to a ‘norm critical’ agenda, i.e. which explicitly seeks to challenge norms regarding gender, sexuality, able- bodyness, race and ethnicity. Our analysis is interested in the ways the material attempts to move beyond racialised notions of immutable cultural differences. We argue that while the material avoids reproducing stereotypes, it fails to develop an alternative way of conceptualising culture and its importance for sexuality. It also falls prey to a liberal discourse in its attempt to bridge differences by aspiring to universal rights. A more fruitful alternative, we suggest, would be to turn to a transversal politics so as to develop a sex education that can accommodate conflicting values, yet treat culture in a non-essentialist way.

Afholdte arrangementer 2018

Monografisk Happy Hour med Rane Willerslev

Data: Monday the 9th of April, 3pm-5pm

Location: 35.3.12, CSS

Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K
building 35, 3. floor, room 12 – entrance from Gammeltoftsgade


15.00-15.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen’s deputy chairwoman Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen

15.05-16.05 Presentation of the book “Soul Hunters” by Rane Willerslev, Ph.D. and Director of the National Museum of Denmark, in discussion with Inger Sjørslev, Lecturer at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

16.05-16.20 Break

16.20-17.00 Open floor for discussion


We will serve snacks, wine and beer. We look forward to seeing you!

This event is only for members! Sign up at the door!

Afholdte arrangementer 2018

Lancering af Genre – Tidsskriftet Antropologis temanummer

I anledning af lanceringen af temanummeret om Genre, inviterer Tidsskriftet Antropologi til et åbent arrangement med talere fra redaktionen og forfatterene.

Det spændende program bliver moderet af Lotte Buch Segal fra KU:
– Velkomst: Jørgen Skrubbeltrang fra temaredaktionen
– (I og om) Fletværk: Jon Dag Rasmussen og Naja Dahlstrup Mogensen, AAU
– Multigrafi og det multigrafiske projekt: Perle Møhl, KU
– Utopia – Kort kollektive feltarbejde: Cecilie Jessen Hansen og Anders Blok, KU
– Afslutning: Inger Sjørslev, KU

Til sidst vil der være god tid til diskussion mellem oplægsholderne og publikum. Efter oplæg og diskussion byder Antropologforeningen som altid på forfriskninger.

Inspirationen til nummeret kommer fra MEGA-seminaret i 2015 , hvor arrangørerne slog et slag for en debat af antropologiske genreeksperimenter under rubrikken ‘alvorlig leg’. Målet for “Genre” er at fortsætte den ”alvorlige leg” med praksis og fremstilling. Nummeret vil derfor være en platform for forsøg med og refleksioner over nye etnografiske metoder og eksperimenterende fremstillingspraksis.

Temaredaktion: Jørgen Skrubbeltrang, My Madsen, Inger Sjørslev, Lotte Buch, Perle Møhl

Afholdte arrangementer 2017

Monographic Happy Hour with Matthew Carey

MONOGRAPHIC HAPPY HOUR with Matthew Carey on his book “Mistrust”

Date: Thursday the 7th of December, 4pm-6pm
Location: Ethnographic Exploratory, Center for Sundhed og Samfund (4.1.12) Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København

We will serve snacks, wine and beer. Everyone is welcome! We look forward to seeing you!


16.00-16.05 Welcome from Antropologforeningen’s chairman Thomas Hughes

16.05-16.35 Presentation of the book “Mistrust – An Ethnographic Theory” by Matthew Carey, Ph.D. and Assistant Professor at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

16.35-17.05 Discussion of the book by Susan Reynolds Whyte, Professor at Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

17.05-17.20 Break

17.20-18.00 Open the floor for discussion

More info about the book:
Trust occupies a unique place in contemporary discourse. Seen as both necessary and virtuous, it is variously depicted as enhancing the social fabric, lowering crime rates, increasing happiness, and generating prosperity. It allows for complex political systems, permits human communication, underpins financial instruments and economic institutions, and generally holds society together. Against these overwhelmingly laudable qualities, mistrust often goes unnoticed as a positive social phenomenon, treated as little more than a corrosive absence, a mere negative of trust itself. With this book, Matthew Carey proposes an ethnographic and conceptual exploration of mistrust that raises it up as legitimate stance in its own right.
While mistrust can quickly ruin relationships and even dissolve extensive social ties, Carey shows that it might have other values. Drawing on fieldwork in Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains as well as comparative material from regions stretching from Eastern Europe to Melanesia, he examines the impact of mistrust on practices of conversation and communication, friendship and society, and politics and cooperation. In doing so, he demonstrates that trust is not the only basis for organizing human society and cooperating with others. The result is a provocative but enlightening work that makes us rethink social issues such as suspicion, doubt, and uncertainty.